Dodd Partners
Are teachers hungry for money or driven by compassion for others? It sounds a simplistic choice. But an interesting...
In a world of political turmoil, teacher votes matter. For a start, there are half a million people in...
Hands up if you were ill over Christmas and New Year? If you stayed healthy, then well done you....
The title of Graham Greene’s 1960 novel A Burnt-Out Case refers to an unusual medical condition: lepers who have...
Everyone knows the statistic: one in three teachers leaves in their first five years on the job. But what...
GCSE results are out and it is a complicated set of results. From a Schools Week perspective, the most...
Schools are the most hopeful places in the world. Over the past week I hope you’ve had a chance...
Over the past few weeks, the education secretary Damian Hinds has been trying to solve a complicated maths problem....
Ofsted’s name is mud this week. Amanda Spielman’s speech at last week’s Festival of Education went down like a...