Opinion: Accountability

How we’ll help the sector deliver its ambition of inclusion

Our proposals put inclusion for disadvantaged and vulnerable young people and those with SEND at the heart of Ofsted's...

JL Dutaut
Adam Sproston and Lee Owston
Opinion: Accountability

Ofsted and DfE are still not there with solving inclusion

The Ofsted draft framework is a missed opportunity to start aligning our incentives with our shared inclusive vision

JL Dutaut
Keziah Featherstone
Opinion: Accountability

Report card reforms run critical reliability risks

Introducing a new school grading system also brings new risks that outcomes won’t reliably measure school quality

JL Dutaut
John Jerrim and Christian Bokhove
Opinion: Accountability

Ofsted’s consultation process is as worrying as the proposals in it

From the proposals to how they were arrived at and how they will be assessed, nothing suggests Ofsted has...

JL Dutaut
Paul Whiteman
Opinion: Accountability

What’s in a name? Why Ofsted should do away with set descriptors 

New evaluative terms like 'Exemplary' and 'Causing concern' will be just as stifling and soon just as toxic as...

JL Dutaut
Colin Richards
Opinion: Accountability

What Chicago taught us about making schools more inclusive

A pilot programme building on the US city’s 5Essentials framework has provided our schools with powerful new ways to...

JL Dutaut
Unity Jones
Opinion: Accountability

How Labour can fix accountability to drive the inclusion it wants

Curriculum and inspection reforms offer hope of fixing our dysfunctional system - but only if new metrics also promote...

JL Dutaut
Caroline Barlow
Opinion: Accountability

Ofsted already has a proven model of better inspections

Ofsted’s reforms could yet prove successful if the inspectorate is able to learn from its own best practice and...

JL Dutaut
Kerry Boffey
Opinion: Accountability

Two years on, why we still fight for Ruth’s legacy

For all the talk of reform, it isn't clear Ofsted has learned any real lessons from Ruth Perry's death

JL Dutaut
Edmund Barnett-Ward