Carshalton College
The number of children with education, health and care plans being educated at home has risen by almost a...
Government statistics today have revealed the proportion of pupils with special educational needs and disabilities has risen for a...
Twelve individuals, schools, and organisations have received awards from National Association for Special Educational Needs (Nasen) as recognition of their work...
This morning the government has published the latest statistics on pupils with special educational needs (SEN) and the provision...
Almost 4,000 children with now-defunct statements of special educational needs were still waiting to transfer to the new education,...
Special schools aren’t just a watered-down version of mainstream schools, and require progress measures that provide meaningful information for...
Five new or expanded centres attached to mainstream schools will be created for pupils with special educational needs in...
Rain is lashing down outside the drama studio at the Queen Elizabeth II Silver Jubilee School, but inside there’s...
Staff and pupils from a special school in Cambridgeshire will have to travel 45 miles to a new location...