The first 20 of the government’s new school improvement advisers have been appointed – with 17 from academy trusts and just one directly representing a council.
Education secretary Bridget Phillipson set out plans today for how government intervention will work alongside proposed Ofsted report cards.
Details are yet to be published, but she announced £20 million to help support more than 600 ‘stuck’ schools that have received consecutive “poor” Ofsted judgments.
The regional improvement for standards and excellence teams will start to work with schools from today, Phillipson said.
Government said they have “extensive educational experience and a track record of improving schools”.
The advisers were appointed by government, rather than recruited through an open application process.
The 20 includes 17 school leaders in trusts. Just one works for directly for a council: Kate Parietti, an adviser at West Berkshire council.
The other two work for school-led improvement organisations which are contracted by councils to provide support on their behalf.
More RISE advisers will be appointed later in the year.
The first 20 RISE advisers
Joseph Ambrose, Associate Director of Strategy, Greenshaw Learning Trust
Lesley Birch, Deputy Chief Executive, Meridian Trust
Karen Bramwell, Chief Executive, Forward as One Church of England Multi Academy Trust
Kate Brunt, Former Chief Executive, Rivers CofE Academy Trust
Maria Dawes, Chief Executive, Schools Alliance for Excellence
Lynsey Draycott, Chief Executive, Matrix Academy Trust
Paul Haigh, Headteacher, King Ecgbert School
Angela Holdsworth, Chief Executive, Sea View Trust
Matt Jones, Executive Principal, Ark Globe Academy and Ark Evelyn Grace Academy
Kath Kelly, Chief Executive, Lionheart Education Trust
Lee Mason-Ellis, Chief Executive, The Pioneer Academy
Siobhan Meredith, Executive Director of Education, Ted Wragg Multi-Academy Trust
Catherine Morley, Headteacher, Theale Church of England Primary School, and Director of Education, Thames Learning Trust, Berkshire
Vanessa Ogden, Chief Executive, Mulberry Schools Trust
James Page, Chief Executive, Haringey Education Partnership
Kate Parietti, School Improvement Adviser, West Berkshire Local Authority
Maura Regan, Deputy Lieutenant, Former Chief Executive, Bishop Hogarth Catholic Education Trust
Jonathan Taylor, Chief Executive, Sapientia Education Trust
Martin Vevers, Executive Head Secondary, Laurus Trust
Chris Wheatley , Chief Executive, Flying High Trust
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