Dodd Partners
New research shows remarkably little consensus about what inclusion means – leaving the schools who do it best exposed
New research by the National Institute of Teaching shows a mismatch between what schools offer candidates and what teachers...
New research reveals the pressures of escalating need and insufficient resource – but diverging views of the SENDCO role...
Three studies show how youth work is a vital part of any effort to improve the lives and outcomes...
New research reveals how trusts pool funding and the opportunities and challenges for more and better centralisation
A new stream of EEF evaluations aims to give teachers better evidence to support their everyday practice
A lot is made of keeping students with the same teacher year on year, but the data doesn’t bear...
Ian Cushing reveals new research into the uncomfortable origins of oracy and how they persist in today’s political discourse
Anna Cunningham sets out the results of a new study for into combining exercise and literacy with young pupils...