
DfE ‘repurposes’ cash for £500m energy efficiency fund

Money promised for capital projects to improve energy efficiency is being funded from a DfE underspend

Samantha Booth
Samantha Booth

Speed read: DfE energy-saving tips and £500m funding rules

Schools told to do energy 'spot checks', and should spend new efficiency upgrade cash this financial year

Tom Belger
Tom Belger

School cuts campaign to focus on plight of special schools

Unions' website will refocus on the funding woes of special schools and post-16 institutions after claiming victory in the...

Freddie Whittaker
Freddie Whittaker
School funding

Autumn statement school funding boost: What you need to know

Just how generous is the funding boost? And what about support with energy costs? Everything you need to know...

John Dickens
John Dickens

New ESFA chief vows ‘culture shift’ to ease trust fears

Watchdog must avoid jumping to 'punitive measures too quickly', but 'laser-like' focus on financial management justified

Tom Belger
Tom Belger
School funding

Autumn statement: £2.3bn extra for schools

Rise equates to an average £1,000 more for every pupil by 2025 and will restore real-terms funding to 2010...

John Dickens
John Dickens

Half of academy trusts could be in deficit in two years

Confederation of School Trusts calls for multi-year spending plans after analysis reveals reality of unfunded pay offers and spiralling...

Amy Walker
Amy Walker
School funding

Most schools to cut staff, axe repairs and up class sizes over funding crisis

Heads reveal 'catastrophic' and 'devastating' reality of rising costs

John Dickens
John Dickens

Austerity 2.0: ‘No good news for schools’ as Hunt warns of cuts

Chancellor says ‘all departments' will need to find savings, and 'some areas of spending will need to be cut’

Freddie Whittaker
Freddie Whittaker