
Ministers are trying to undermine teacher strikes. Their behaviour is counterproductive

The education secretary should be negotiating with unions in a serious and ongoing way, writes Kevin Courtney

Kevin Courtney
Kevin Courtney

Keegan: ‘I fully understand teacher and leader workload is too high’

The education secretary told schools in a letter she is 'disappointed' the NEU won't pause strikes, but vowed to...

Tom Belger
Tom Belger

NEU claims ‘suspected criminal operation’ trying to ‘scam’ members

Teachers' union's Facebook posts being 'bombarded' by 'criminals trying to trick members into giving money'

Samantha Booth
Samantha Booth

Ex-head faces bullying probe amid court battle with teaching union

Mahzia 'Pepe' Hart faces a second investigation after allegedly intimidating staff, but accuses the NEU of harassing her

Tom Belger
Tom Belger

Exclusion ‘must still be available’ to keep pupils and staff safe, say NEU leaders

The sanction of exclusion “must still be available” to keep victims of sexual abuse, violence and bullying safe, the...

Freddie Whittaker
Freddie Whittaker

NEU conference votes to survey members on teacher pay strike action

The country’s largest education union will survey its members to “build towards a ballot for national strike action” if...

Freddie Whittaker
Freddie Whittaker

Retain ‘teaching technologies’ and online parents’ evenings after Covid, say NEU members

New ways of working with technology in teaching developed over the past year and online parents’ evenings should be...

Freddie Whittaker
Freddie Whittaker

Profile: Dr Robin Bevan, NEU president and grammar school head

Given newspaper headlines about militant union bosses plotting against ministers’ plans over the past year, it is perhaps surprising...

Freddie Whittaker
Freddie Whittaker

Union accused of breaking rules over ‘political’ election ad

The country’s largest education union has been accused of flouting rules over a “political” Facebook advert critical of Conservative...

Nicky Phillips
Nicky Phillips