
When MPs debate grammar schools — Our 10-point guide to today’s Westminster motion

In Parliament this morning, Conservative MP for Gainsborough Sir Edward Leigh, proposed a motion to end imbalances in grammar...

Nick Linford
Nick Linford

A desperate hunt for the middle classes

Labour’s threat  to end “generous state subsidies” for private schools may be well meaning, but will end up harming...

Nicky Phillips
Nicky Phillips

Grammar schools should not be ‘taboo’ says Boris Johnson

Boris Johnson today called for more grammar schools at The Mayor’s Education Conference. Speaking at City Hall, the Mayor...

Billy Camden
Billy Camden

Selective schools are not what this country needs, says Clegg

The deputy prime minister has spoken out against the creation of “new” grammar schools following two councils’ moves to...

Nicky Phillips
Nicky Phillips

Ros McMullen, chief executive, LEAF

Sitting across from Ros McMullen, it is hard to imagine the headteacher of one of the most successful turnaround...

Billy Camden
Billy Camden

Morgan ‘not looking at’ assisted places or new grammar schools

The education secretary Nicky Morgan has said she is ‘not looking at’ the return of assisted places or new...

Nicky Phillips
Nicky Phillips

Social mobility manifesto puts fairer school admissions at its heart

An education think-tank has published its manifesto and calls for school places to be allocated by ballot or ability...

Nicky Phillips
Nicky Phillips

Settle down — it’s a non-announcement from Nicky Morgan

Last week, as many teachers sweated through their first day back in the classroom, education secretary  Nicky Morgan dropped a...

Nicky Phillips
Nicky Phillips