Following the release of the highly anticipated updated School Sport and Activity Action plan in July this year, the government made several significant changes to how the premium should be invested, and how schools should report against the investment. The Department for Education’s guidance emphasises that the premium must be used to make additional and sustainable improvements to the PE, sport, and physical activity provided by schools. To further support this guidance, here is a free-to-access webinar titled: Important Primary PE and Sport Premium Update for 2023/24.
They also state that schools should prioritize PE and sport premium spending to improve in the following 5 key areas:
- Increasing Staff Confidence and Skills: Specifically, schools should focus their efforts on upskilling the whole staff workforce so that they feel confident and able to lead a PE lesson independently.
- Engaging All Pupils in Physical Activity and Sport
- Raising the Profile of PE and Sport Across the School: This supports whole school improvement.
- Offering a Broader and More Equal Experience of Sports and Physical Activities to All Pupils
- Increasing Participation in Competitive Sport
Key changes that Primary schools should take note of include:
– Digital Reporting Tool: Schools are now required to use a new digital reporting tool to report on the spending of their premium allocation.
– Spending Focus: The new guidance places a strong emphasis on funding “high-quality PE and sport for at least 2 hours a week, complemented by a wide range of extracurricular sport and competitive opportunities”.
– Equal Access: There is a renewed focus on “providing or improving equal access to sport for boys and girls” and updated criteria within the School Games Mark to recognise equal opportunity.
– Funding Period: Schools are reminded that the funding for the next year must be used “within the academic year it has been allocated for”.
To help schools navigate these changes and optimize their investments while meeting reporting requirements, Youth Sport Trust Membership offers ‘Primary Packages‘ specifically designed to support schools in achieving their goals. The Primary Membership package provides access to valuable resources and support.
To enhance staff confidence, knowledge, and skills, the Primary Membership package includes access to three 45-minute virtual CPD workshops, covering topics such as:
- Term 1: An introduction to Physical Literacy.
- Term 2: Ofsted PE deep dive.
- Term 3: PE and Sport Premium reporting.
Additionally, members gain exclusive access to “Welcome to the Term” webinars, tailored for PE practitioners, providing guidance on addressing day-to-day challenges and preparing for the upcoming term. Webinar topics include:
- Term 1: Audit, PESSPA planning, PE premium objectives, and new class PE routines.
- Term 2: Tracking measures and progress review.
- Term 3: PE premium reporting, sports days, and transition preparation.

While the Term 1 webinar has already taken place, it is available to members year-round via the Membership dashboard.
The Core Primary Membership package offers over £600 worth of benefits for just £225, including:
- Discounted YST Conference Place
- Welcome to the Term webinars
- Professional development workshops
- Half-termly bulletins
- Discounts from YST partner organizations
- 10% off resources in the YST web shop
- Quality Mark for PE, School Sport, and PESSPA
- Youth Engagement Guide to elevate pupil voice
- Staff Survey Guide (Primary) or Top tips for raising profile (Secondary)
- And much, much more.
Maximise the benefits for this academic year by signing up for Youth Sport Trust Membership today. It’s a valuable resource for schools aiming to excel in providing high-quality PE and sports opportunities while meeting the latest guidelines and requirements.
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