Ofsted has this week published new ‘toolkits’ which explain how inspectors will assess and grade schools in each of the proposed new report card evaluation areas.
Ofsted chief Sir Martyn Oliver said the toolkits will mean leaders “no longer have to guess what’s in inspectors’ minds”.
However some in the sector have criticised the toolkits for being too vague and descriptors for different grades being too similar.
Others have criticised the lack of detail.
For instance, to be ‘secure’ on inclusion, the toolkit states: “Across the school’s work, inclusive practices are secure, so that all pupils feel welcome, valued and a sense of belonging to their school and community.”
And to be rated ‘strong’? Well, Ofsted says: “Across the school’s work, inclusive practices are strong.”
Who would have thought!?
Ofsted has said it is really keen to get feedback on the language used in its toolkits to ensure they are as clear as possible – which is why they have put them out for consultation.
So we’re keen to test just how clear some of the descriptors are – and how much work might be needed in what is a very tight turnaround before new inspections are due to start in November.
To do this, we’ve put together a quiz.
We have pulled out five lots of two descriptors, with each pair being from the same evaluation area. But one is criteria for a ‘secure’ rating, the other is for ‘strong’.
You just need to pick.
It is an anonymised survey – so please don’t leave your name. But if your could describe your role: headteacher, trust leader, teacher, etc, that would be helpful.
We’re keen to get a good idea of how potentially confusing the descriptors are – so please do your best (but no Googling!)
And if you think it’s good – do share with your result on social media/send to colleagues. We’re keen to get lots of responses.
P.S. Hat tip to headteacher Michael Tidd who first raised this on BlueSky and gave us the idea.
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