Four experienced leaders are being sought to support the expansion of the behaviour hubs programme.
The Department for Education is looking to hire four “school partnership leads” to coordinate support, including providing one-to-one coaching and attending open days to “gather intelligence”.
The behaviour hubs project, led by government behaviour tsar Tom Bennett, aims to support 500 schools which struggle with poor discipline over three years.
It pairs “lead” schools and multi-academy trusts with exemplary behaviour practices with others who want to improve behaviour.
Applicants for the up to £350-a-day role must have experience supporting schools with “effective implementation of system change” and know Bennett’s “Creating a Culture” report on behaviour.
The four people will promote the programme’s training and support services to lead schools, help with recruiting schools to support, and build relationships.
The role may be most suitable for those not in full-time employment as they are expected to work a minimum of three days per week, DfE add.
Bennett told Schools Week that the feedback has been “incredibly positive” so far and the roles are “building upon” the success of the first year.
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