Dodd Partners
Covid disruption has dented school transfers, but enthusiasm may also be limited among big and standalone trusts alike
Results were delayed by more than two months, after a mid-election boundary review
The leeway given to Nuneaton Academy raised eyebrows, with other academies and maintained schools facing swifter intervention
Voting is open for regional schools commissioner advisory boards, previously called headteacher boards
Current postholder Sue Baldwin steps down next year
Academy trust chief executives without headship experience can now serve as advisors to regional schools commissioners, the government has...
A former regional schools commissioner has been appointed interim chief executive of the Education and Skills Funding Agency. John...
The headteacher boards which advise regional schools commissioners are set for a rebrand, as fresh elections loom for the...
Schools in large multi-academy trusts have “refused to engage” in efforts to make them more responsible for excluded pupils...