
Trust reviews policies after CEO’s ‘premium’ Apple event flights

Auditors flag 'financial issue' after trust forked out £1k for journey

Jack Dyson
Jack Dyson

Revealed: DfE in £3m bailout of government-approved ICT supplier

The Department for Education paid £3 million to stop a cash-strapped ICT supplier to schools collapsing after it entered...

John Dickens
John Dickens

ICT qualifications still in chaos due to delays

Teachers have accused the government of deliberately holding back approval for new ICT qualifications to force more pupils into...

Jess Staufenberg
Jess Staufenberg

Teachers ‘unable to prepare’ as DfE drags feet over approved qualifications

The Department for Education has given teachers conflicting messages about when an approved list of 2019 technical and vocational...

Jess Staufenberg
Jess Staufenberg

Progress 8 scores could fall after ECDL grade recalibration

Schools that enter large numbers of pupils into a fast-track ICT qualification could see Progress 8 scores drop if...

Schools Week Reporter
Schools Week Reporter

School ICT costs rise as pound plummets post-Brexit

Schools are facing hikes of more than 10 per cent in their ICT costs after tech giants say post-Brexit...

John Dickens
John Dickens

‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ – what it means for schools

Changes to statutory guidance on ‘Keeping Children Safe in Education’ will come into effect in September 2016. Mark Orchison...

Expert Contributor
Expert Contributor

Teachers must learn to tame technology

There are powerful tools already available in schools. Staff must realise they don’t need to upgrade, they need to...

Nicky Phillips
Nicky Phillips

How to help your school stand out online

The internet has become the primary source of information for parents looking for the best school for their child, which...

Nicky Phillips
Nicky Phillips