Review by Julia Skinner

Retired head and founder of the 100 Word Challenge

22 Jun 2019, 5:00


Julia Skinner’s top blogs of the week June 17 2019

Here endeth the lesson?



The media’s coverage of Ofsted’s latest framework and the changes it will bring has focused on the curriculum. For governors the changes could present an immediate problem as subject content traditionally has not been a part of the governance brief, which we all know is strategic. In this post, The Clerk’s Elbow links the close relationship between the three core purposes of school boards and Ofsted’s “intent, implementation and impact” that we will all be reciting.


Broad and balanced



Carrying on with the theme of the curriculum, Neil Yates succinctly sets out what governors and trustees will need to do to embrace the new framework. He explains that it will also be a challenge for many senior leaders since what is taught has always been their territory and the school board is more interested in how pupils are taught and whether they reach the expected standards. He welcomes this change, however, arguing that it opens up the role that governors can play in ensuring pupils receive a rounded experience while at their school.


Teacher recruitment and retention matters



Naureen Khalid combines prose and slides in this blog to relay the presentation that she recently gave at #BrewEdEssex, a type of teach-meet, where she looked at recruiting and retaining great teachers. The role of trustees and governors begins well before the interview day with setting the culture of the school. Is it one where there is a “grow your own” ethos that staff embrace? Do you set out to be the employer of choice? Apparently, teachers improve with time so it is important we hold on to them. This area of school management may be considered to be organisational, but, as the post points out, governors really need to have more than a passing glance on staffing in schools.


Funding the future: back to school for the chancellor

@NGAMedia (guest post)


Anyone connected with education will know that money is tight. The National Governance Association launched a very successful campaign called Funding the Future and this blog is a follow-up by Holy Family Catholic Primary School in Runnymede, Surrey. The mention of that county is likely to set assumptions of wealth and high earning, but this small school is facing a squeeze so it invited local MP Philip Hammond to hear how budget restrictions are affecting pupils. The chancellor of the exchequer did listen, but sadly did not bring his chequebook with him. We will have to wait for the spending review to see if his visit made any difference.


How well do you know your school’s local community?



Schools are being encouraged to put together a board that reflects the community they serve. This short post from Governor Hub provides governors with a tool to look more closely at their localities. You can get a breakdown of ethnicity, socio-economic classification, details of families and households, health, religion and language. How boards use it will depend on where they are in their development, but this tool tells you so much more than where your missing governors are.


How it works


The author hits the nail on the head in this post, a booklet that looks at the basics of governance. The simple approach to the roles will make you smile, especially if you are a governor or trustee.

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