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Great Science Teaching Survey 2022

Share your experience of working in science education

Share your experience of working in science education


Science teachers make an invaluable contribution to our society, shaping young minds and inspiring the scientists of the future. The Royal of Society of Chemistry is partnering with the Institute of Physics (IOP) and the Royal Society of Biology (RSB) to conduct a survey into the rewards and challenges of working in science education in 2022. We’re inviting all science teachers, heads of department and technicians in secondary schools to take part, and the more participants we have, the more robust and detailed the evidence will be.

Teachers often feel that their voices aren’t being heard, and their opinions and experience aren’t taken into consideration when it comes to policy and curriculum change. The RSC, IOP and RSB aim to change this. We want to listen to educators, so that we can better support and represent you, and the findings of our survey will be used to produce a report that will provide valuable insight into science teaching in the UK and Ireland.

We understand that as a science educator you are extremely busy, so we are very grateful for any time you can spare to help us with this work. We believe it will help us to improve the service we offer to our community, influence policy and drive positive change in the education sector.

Each person who takes part in the survey can choose to be entered into a prize draw to win £100.

The survey closes on 8 April 2022.

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