
A-level results 2017: Stories from secondary moderns

A-level results day is here! As usual, we will be celebrating everyone’s successes, but with a particular interest in secondary modern pupils.

A level results 2017 How Schools Week will report the day and what to look out for

There are close to 300 schools in England that fall into the category of secondary moderns – non-selective schools that recruit from the same neighbourhood as a grammar school – according to education think tank Datalab. Of these, around 90 have sixth forms and teach A-levels.

To find out more about why we report exclusively on secondary moderns on results day – as well as what to expect in the general analysis of A-level results this year – read our editor Laura McInerney’s column, where she explains our approach.

If you fit the above description, and want to share your school’s success stories, email samantha.king@lsect.com, call Samantha on 020 3432 1396 or find her on Twitter at @KingSamantha_

Results are out at 9.30am and stories will be coming in throughout the day. Get in touch with yours!

09.00 – The big day is here! Stay tuned for our analysis of trends and stats from 9.30, and success stories coming in throughout the day.

09.30 – Results are now out. Here’s our breakdown of the trends and stats from the national data.

09.35 – Did you know top grades have risen for the first time in seven years?

09.45 – Uh oh… it’s bad news for the 13 new, reformed A-levels, with pupils less likely to have received the top grades. In case you’re wondering, the reformed subjects are: art and design, biology, business, chemistry, computer science, economics, English language, English language and literature, English literature, history, physics, psychology and sociology.

10.30 – If you like data, we have a lot of it. We’re publishing individual A-level subject tables for the UK with year-on-year comparisons, and you can find them all right here.

11.00 – A secondary modern in Essex is celebrating its best A-level results on record, with one student going on to study at Oxford University and another taking up an apprenticeship with Deloitte. Read more here.

12.00 – Let’s hear it for the boys! It is the first time in 20 years that boys have received more top A-level grades than girls, with more than one in four boys in England receiving an A* or A grade.

13.00 – A student who turned down a grammar school sixth-form place to continue studying at his local secondary modern has secured an A* and two A grades at A-level. Read the full story here…

14.00 – Congratulations to Accrington Academy, who are today celebrating their first-ever student to secure an Oxbridge place.

14.15There has been a fall in top grades for science A-levels this year, with the proportion of A* and A grades awarded to 18-year-olds in England dropping 2.3 percentage points in biology, 2 points in chemistry and 1.6 points in physics.

Biology, chemistry and physics were among the 13 A-level subjects reformed this year, in which optional first year exams were removed from counting towards the final grades.

14.30 – Great news from Magna Academy #gosecondarymoderns

15.30 – It’s a thumbs up from Amersham School’s sixth-form!

Headteacher Sharon Jarrett said: “We pride ourselves in securing the best possible results for each student, regardless of their starting point. I am proud of all my wonderful students – they are awesome!”

16.00 – A student diagnosed with multiple sclerosis during her second year of college has today proved that when the going gets tough, the tough gets going. Read her story here.

16.40 – Two friends who met in year 7 have secured the grades they need to go to university. The same one of course. Click here to read on.

17.10 – In case you missed any key A-level info whilst immersing yourself in secondary modern success stories, you can find a handy round-up of today’s biggest stories right here.

17.30 – And that’s a wrap! I think we’re all ready to follow in the footsteps of this student…

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