Dodd Partners
A lighter look at the week's education landscape, some reflections on agency and 'enslaved teachers', and a powerful tool...
Classroom technique, pupil wellbeing, the impact of screen time, and having a bad day at the chalkface
Teenagers' memory and their mental health, the truth about smartphones in schools, and an unvarnished account of joining an...
Embracing AI to cut workload, righting writing wrongs, and authentic leadership
Reflecting on INSETs, preparing for Black History Month, marking World Teacher Day and thinking deeply about primary curriculum design
Oracy and toothbrushing, phone bans and mental health, reading for pleasure, and the start of a headship journey
Phone-free schools, assistive technology and the link between autism and mental health
The curriculum review, Ofsted reforms, headteacher retention, and the detoxification of edu-social media
The legacy of the summer riots, self-compassion, ethical leadership and connecting beyond social media