Dodd Partners
Kent council leaders said last week there were no Year 7 or 9 school places in some areas of...
Schools can exceed their published admission numbers and class size limits to ensure children from Ukraine have places
MPs are investigating why Gypsy, Roma and Traveller children have the worst exclusion and attainment rates
Some migrant pupils risk exclusion from school trips and European staff risk losing jobs under post-Brexit immigration reforms. As...
School meals could face disruption and caterers have begun stockpiling as a driver shortage fuelled by Brexit and Covid...
Schools will face “inappropriate” pressure to snoop on EU pupils’ immigration status from next month, say heads and campaigners...
A campaign group is raising money to take the Department for Education to the High Court over its decision...
Schools are increasingly opting to employ migrant teachers on strict two year-only visas. The government’s Migration Advisory Committee (MAC)...
While schools and councils across the country deal with the challenge of mid-term arrivals, officials in the London borough...