Dodd Partners
The Education Endowment Foundation has published a new report on ‘improving secondary science’, which gives seven recommendations to try...
Grouping pupils by their attainment for specific activities within their usual classes is more likely to boost attainment than...
A new £9.8 million fund will deliver a five-year project to gather the best teaching practices from around the...
Using calculators in maths lessons doesn’t erode pupils’ skills and may actually make them better at problem solving, according...
Schools are expected to make “little or no headway” in closing the attainment gap between disadvantaged pupils and their...
The Education Endowment Foundation is looking for around 500 schools throughout England to take part in four new trials...
Teachers need “structured and intensive support” to engage with new research if outcomes are to improve, according to new...
Thousands of children across the England will take part in new trials to assess whether skills like music, drama...
There are now 22 research schools across the UK, and 11 are in government-identified social-mobility “cold spots”. Samantha King...