Dodd Partners
Proposals to develop a new engineering A-level have been dropped, Schools Week can reveal, as more A-levels bite the...
The government has released provisional key stage 4 data this morning that reveals how schools have fared in new...
The government has published analysis of provisional GCSE results data which shows for the first time national analysis of...
The government’s new(ish) education team faced its first proper grilling in Parliament this afternoon during the first education questions since...
While the media continues to focus on the grammar school debate and the issue of selection, I fear we...
The architect of the University Technical College (UTC) model has launched a scathing attack on the government’s “narrow” English...
A drop in pupils studying some creative subjects has been linked to the government’s EBacc accountability measure squeezing students out...
Pupils should be able to choose between computer science and design and technology as part of the EBacc, almost...
Schools that swiftly overhauled their curriculum to meet the government’s English Baccalaureate (EBacc) when it was first introduced boosted...