Dodd Partners
Private and free schools have seen the biggest jump in top grades in this year’s teacher-assessed GCSE results, figures...
The Department for Education has published an 11,590-word “outcome delivery plan,” detailing the wide-ranging goals and performance metrics it...
Today the government has released the provisional GCSE results in England for 2017-18, which reveal the attainment 8 and progress...
Schools are expected to make “little or no headway” in closing the attainment gap between disadvantaged pupils and their...
The shift to a numeric scoring system for GCSEs is playing havoc with this year’s results, as Attainment 8...
The government has this morning published details of what data schools will be judged on in this year’s league...
If you are not changing your exam entry policy, and results are the same, it is likely your EBacc3 score...
Successful academy chain Ark is launching a new cloud-based service today to break open the market for start-up education...
Secondary school’s published performance measures will this year be “very flawed and quite dangerous” due to a series of...