Opinion: Solutions

Solutions: Five ways to avoid leadership burnout

Drawing on his experience as a leadership coach, Patrick Cozier sets out some effective ways to do the job…

JL Dutaut
Patrick Cozier
Opinion: Solutions

A successful breakfast club is the first lesson of the day

Our award-winning breakfast club has been running for 16 years. Its success is down to being an integral part…

JL Dutaut
Lisa Pegman
The Knowledge

How to use feedback effectively for CPD

Feedback is crucial to ongoing professional formation, so how can we ensure it hits home?

JL Dutaut
Dr Ourania Maria Ventista and C.J. Rauch

Opinion: Accountability

Ofsted already has a proven model of better inspections

Ofsted’s reforms could yet prove successful if the inspectorate is able to learn from its own best practice and…

JL Dutaut
Kerry Boffey
Opinion: Policy

Five lessons from Behaviour Hubs – and why Labour should keep them

The Behaviour Hubs programme has highlighted best practice and provided a model for effectively meeting our biggest challenges

JL Dutaut
Sam Strickland
Opinion: Politics

Can education learn to stop worrying and love collaboration?

Bridget Phillipson’s emerging vision marks an end to competition as the primary driver of school improvement – but is…

JL Dutaut
Ed Dorrell
Opinion: Policy

STEM scheme cuts fly in the face of global AI leadership

Given the government’s intent to become a world leader in AI, cutting crucial school support is an own goal…

JL Dutaut
Severine Trouillet
Opinion: Workforce

Solutions: How to embrace the benefits of flexible working

With the right guidance and recourse to best practice, flexible working as a day-one right could make teaching a…

JL Dutaut
Lucy Makins
Opinion: Workforce

I’m still unqualified after ten years. Here’s why

The government is right to pursue flexibility as a retention strategy – but it could also help with recruitment…

JL Dutaut
Clare Connell

Must Read

Opinion: Policy

Labour is sacrificing standards and choice for a quick fix

The schools bill aims to change the relationship between schools and local authorities to mitigate the SEND crisis –…

JL Dutaut
Michael Johnson
Opinion: Legal

Legal: What changes to pay and conditions mean for academies

Employment solicitor, Heather Mitchell looks at how provisions in the schools bill could affect the academy sector

JL Dutaut
Heather Mitchell
Opinion: Academy trusts

School improvement is too human to be codified

The idea of ‘codifying’ school improvement is an impractical distraction from our most important work

JL Dutaut
Annette Montague



Degree apprenticeships are key to increasing and diversifying recruitment

Work to deliver the new qualification should continue at pace to meet recruitment challenges by making teaching more accessible,…

JL Dutaut
Melanie Renowden

ITT: Which is the odd one out?

The deeply flawed ITT reforms are a threat to sustainable teacher supply for purely ideological purposes, writes David Spendlove

JL Dutaut
David Spendlove



How sitting an exam re-affirmed my respect for our students

I still believe exams to be the best way of testing academic knowledge and understanding but they’re no bagatelle,…

JL Dutaut
James Handscombe

The stereotype that could be feeding exam anxiety

The ‘snowflake’ stereotype is damaging and unjustified, but a more pervasive idea may be perpetuating exam anxiety, says Stephen…

JL Dutaut
Stephen Caldwell

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