MPs demand answers from DfE after EHCP cuts target revealed

The education committee is 'concerned' children's ministers' evidence 'contradicts' Newton Europe contract

Samantha Booth
Samantha Booth

SEND pupils ‘not getting enough help’ in mainstream schools, says Ofsted

Ofsted has warned some pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) are “not getting enough help” in mainstream...

Tom Belger
Tom Belger

SENCos won’t have to prove pupils need exam reader help

Special educational needs coordinators requesting permission to use readers for pupils will no longer have to provide evidence the...

Kathryn Snowdon
Kathryn Snowdon

Special Educational Needs: Five findings from the latest statistics

This morning the government has published the latest statistics on pupils with special educational needs (SEN) and the provision...

Alix Robertson
Alix Robertson

Schools have ‘strong legal case to make councils fully fund SEND provision’

Schools are forking out millions of pounds for special educational needs provision even though there is often a strong...

Alix Robertson
Alix Robertson

Thousands of children without EHCPs by government deadline

Almost 4,000 children with now-defunct statements of special educational needs were still waiting to transfer to the new education,...

Alix Robertson
Alix Robertson

Improve teacher education to help SEND pupils, research says

Teacher education must “urgently” be upgraded to improve learning for pupils with special education needs and disabilities (SEND), new research...

Alix Robertson
Alix Robertson