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Brexit could give schools space to get on with the job – we mustn’t waste this opportunity

Whoever is lucky enough to be education secretary under the new prime minister is going to have to perform...

John Dickens

Ofsted is right about the knowledge-rich curriculum

The inspectorate doesn’t always get things right, says Mark Lehain, but its latest review is important Ofsted gets a lot...

Expert Contributor
Expert Contributor

Mark Lehain, Director of Parents and Teachers for Excellence

Standing in line at the Café Nero one street down from the Department for Education, a message pops onto...

Laura McInerney
Laura McInerney

School cancels Friday afternoon classes to run scouts club

A Surrey primary school has cancelled Friday afternoon lessons in favour of running a scouts club, using school funds...

Samantha Lauren King
Samantha Lauren King

Beware John Blake, the “Red rebel” with great influence

My memory of early evening, Friday November 14, 2003, is hazy. My brain seems to think it was raining,...

Laura McInerney
Laura McInerney

Vote Leave campaigner and Tory donor behind Parents and Teachers for Excellence campaign

One of the two directors behind the Parent and Teachers for Excellence (PTE) movement was a key figure in the...

John Dickens
John Dickens

Pro-academy campaign group launched by ‘superhead’ Rachel De Souza – but funders remain anonymous

A line-up of education reformers – including a former adviser to David Cameron – have joined forces to launch a...

John Dickens
John Dickens