New Rickstones Academy
Disabled pupils, such as those with cancer, who can't sit exams can now get their grades after campaign by...
JCQ tells schools to make pupils do some coursework 'under direct supervision' amid cheating fears
But experts warns schools still face 'huge challenge' in securing enough invigilators
Funding will be made available for schools and colleges to bring in staff during the summer holiday period to...
Ofqual, the exams regulator, is still trying to find a way to publish data on how the quality of...
Recent changes to the official guidelines on access arrangements and assistive technology have wide-reaching implications for all pupils if...
The number of pupils achieving an A* in Further Maths has jumped by 2.5 percentage points – the largest...
“No major system changes, no major outcome changes, no major entry changes” said qualifications joint council JCQ – as...