
Cambridge International cancels iGCSE exams and moves to teacher assessment

Cambridge International is moving to teacher assessment for its iGCSE qualifications in the UK, the exam board has announced....

Samantha Booth
Samantha Booth

OCR suffers 20% drop in awards as schools flee iGCSE

A major exam board has reported a huge slump in certifications as schools shun iGCSEs in favour of more...

Jess Staufenberg
Jess Staufenberg

iGCSE loophole allows schools to teach one religion

Increasing numbers of pupils are being entered for an international religious studies qualification which allows them to learn just...

Jess Staufenberg
Jess Staufenberg

iGCSE results will not be published this year

iGCSE results data will not be published this year as it is fully removed from league tables and students...

John Dickens
John Dickens
Exam results, News

IGCSE English results 2016: Pass rate increases in final year of league table inclusion

The pass rate for IGCSEs in English language has risen this year with more than 210,000 pupils sitting the exams in...

Sophie Scott
Sophie Scott

Government rapped over removal of IGCSEs from school league tables

The government has been rapped by the statistics watchdog for having a “gap in its coverage” of pupil attainment...

Sophie Scott
Sophie Scott

GCSE marking concerns lead to schools spending thousands on external coursework re-graders

Schools have spent thousands of pounds hiring external moderators to reassess coursework grades amid concerns they have been wrongly...

Nicky Phillips
Nicky Phillips