
Former Ofsted head to lead new charity set up by EEF to run flagship tutoring scheme

A former Ofsted chief inspector will head a new charity that is hoping to takeover running the government’s flagship...

Samantha Booth
Samantha Booth

Achievement for All had ‘detrimental effect’, finds EEF trial

A whole-school improvement programme which has been used at over 4,000 schools across England has a “detrimental effect on...

Simon Kay
Simon Kay

EEF research to investigate impact of three-year GCSEs

The Education Endowment Foundation has commissioned research into whether teaching GCSEs over three years boosts pupils’ grades. The charity...

Freddie Whittaker
Freddie Whittaker

Trial to investigate if ‘activity passport’ boosts attainment

More than 100 primary schools are wanted to take part in a new trial to find out if enrichment...

Kathryn Snowdon
Kathryn Snowdon

Issue daily report cards to improve disruptive behaviour, teachers told

Teachers should adopt personalised approaches like issuing daily report cards to improve disruptive behaviour, new guidance states. Research by...

Kathryn Snowdon
Kathryn Snowdon

Most EEF trials ‘don’t tell us anything’, say researchers

Most trials carried out by a major educational research charity “don’t tell us anything” about whether an intervention had...

Jess Staufenberg
Jess Staufenberg

EEF: Weekly maths tutoring boosts progress by three months

Children receiving weekly maths tutoring make three months’ more progress than those without a tutor, according to new research...

Alix Robertson
Alix Robertson

EEF predicts ‘little or no headway’ in closing attainment gap by 2021

Schools are expected to make “little or no headway” in closing the attainment gap between disadvantaged pupils and their...

Alix Robertson
Alix Robertson

EEF: Teacher research engagement strategies are ineffective

Teachers need “structured and intensive support” to engage with new research if outcomes are to improve, according to new...

Alix Robertson
Alix Robertson