Dodd Partners
Balancing pressures and progress at Ofqual and Ofsted.
More schools have been judged 'good' by Ofsted under Spielman's tenure, but new analysis questions whether it follows genuine...
History's position in schools is 'more secure', but 'significant' work needed to develop ambitious curriculums
Amanda Spielman said plans to separate safeguarding from Ofsted inspections would be 'much more expensive and complicated'
Everything you need to know about changes proposed by the watchdog
Spielman said debate about removing grades was 'legitimate', but stopping inspections 'not in children's best interests'
Job advert for the £165k role states it is an 'important time' to lead the watchdog and 'embed' the...
Bridget Phillipson says schools deserve better 'than a system that is high stakes for staff, but low information for...
Amanda Spielman also acknowledges pupil voice may have been given too much 'weighting' in some inspections