Dodd Partners
Many CEOs now lead growing numbers of centrally paid - and sometimes well-paid - senior leaders. We explore why...
Dispute over funding proposals referred to independent mediator amid fears over 57 jobs
Luke Sparkes, the new chief executive of Dixons Academies Trust, talks John Dickens through expansion plans, why university-for-all is...
Some trust and school chiefs are avoiding 'tempting' PR about A-level and GCSE grades, warning Covid makes comparisons 'ridiculous'
Two-thirds of the advisory group represent academy trusts, with the DfE planning the regulatory overhaul despite a climbdown over...
Former government schools tsar warns of 'capacity issue' as ministers seek to move all schools into academy trusts
The DfE will 'test the concept' of local authority multi-academy trusts, inviting councils to join a small trial
Changes were in part 'driven by the conversion of maintained schools to academies'
Ofsted has warned pupils 'do not feel safe'