A primary school in Stoke-on-Trent is promising all its pupils that it will help them to achieve everything on a list of “101 things to do before you leave Star”.
The Star Academy Sandyford’s initiative was developed by principal Nicky Broomhall to help pupils to develop confidence and take part in experiences that “every child should have before they grow up”.

The list, formed with the input from the staff and parents, includes everything from blowing bubbles, playing conkers and jumping in puddles to riding a bike, going to the seaside and taking a trip to London.
Star builds time into lessons during the year to ensure that pupils can take part in the activities and the full list is posted in every classroom.
Ms Broomhall says: “Some pupils may not be able to experience some of these activities at home for various reasons, whether it’s because of finances or because we are more focused on technology, so it is important that we support them to do some of the traditional things that make childhood fun.”
Pic: Star Academy Sandyford pupil Sienna Pearce learns to ride a bike to tick off number 90 on the ‘101 things to do before you leave Star’
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