
Cross-curricular scarecrow building project eases back-to-school transition

A primary headteacher has launched a cross-curricular scarecrow-making project to get pupils back into work mode after the summer holidays.

The project had pupils from reception to year 6 at Houldsworth Valley Primary Academy in Suffolk using their design, English, science and maths skills to design and build a scarecrow.

“The purpose of the project was to reinforce behaviour, teamwork and cooperation, but also consolidate the academic skills they’d already learned, such as measuring with a ruler, as well as introducing some new concepts,” said headteacher Lisa Tweed.

Teachers in each class were encouraged to come up with their own hook to get pupils interested, with one placing straw on desks, and another using a book about a scarecrow marriage.

One finished creation had an iPad for a face, which played a video of pupils talking, and one cardboard box scarecrow reached the ceiling.

“Sending the message to children that maths can be done through measuring a scarecrow, and science by looking at the materials that can be used to create them – it’s a different slant of thinking on education,” said Tweed.



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