
Brett Wigdortz, founder, Teach First

“I have never known what is weird and what is not,” says Brett Wigdortz, the man who founded teacher...

Laura McInerney
Laura McInerney

Dave Cobb, CEO, Oceanova Group

Dave Cobb has sold cakes to old ladies, mobile phones to wide boys and, in his more than ten...

Laura McInerney
Laura McInerney

Is the grammar school nightmare finally over?

In the delirious early hours of last Friday morning I tweeted that, finally, the nail was in the coffin...

Laura McInerney
Laura McInerney

Hannah Wilson, headteacher, Aureus School

On a half-finished housing estate, nestled between between the A4130 and Wantage Road in Oxfordshire, builders are finishing a...

Laura McInerney
Laura McInerney

Russell Hobby, outgoing general secretary, National Association of Head Teachers

Russell Hobby did a profile with The Guardian when he started at the NAHT. In it the journalist interviewing...

Laura McInerney
Laura McInerney

Much promise: Successful schools in England

Most former headteachers, by the time they leave the profession, have at least one book in them. Barnaby Lenon,...

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How the Tories made a hash of school breakfasts

When Labour’s shadow minister for terrible live interview, Diane Abbott, made an error on national radio about the cost...

Laura McInerney
Laura McInerney

Why we all need heroes who are just like us

In the United States, two brothers are considered king of the national sport, American football. Peyton and Eli Manning...

Laura McInerney
Laura McInerney

The 5 quirky bits you might have missed in today’s Primary Assessment Consultation

The government are proposing to make SATs for 7 year-olds optional and bring back the reception test. So far,...

Laura McInerney
Laura McInerney