To see how your students have done in their A-levels compared to other students nationwide, Education Datalab has produced a handy set of graphs with accompanying analysis.

The proportion of A-level entries in England awarded a C or above has risen to 78 per cent, up from 75.5 per cent last year.

However, Datalab has pointed out that the headline change in results “masks enormous variation between individual subjects”.

For example, the share of pupils getting an A or above in English language only increased from 11.3 per cent last year to 11.4 per cent this year. But in French, the share of pupils getting an A or above increased to nearly a half – 46.0 per cent – from 36.4 per cent last year.

Datalab has produced a chart showing the magnitude of change – with share of A-level grades of A or above well up in music, German, design and technology and classical subjects.

Schools Week is also producing its own analysis for certain subjects, which will appear via the links below.


A-level results 2020: subject tables

Art and design subjects

Business studies



English literature






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