Children in need

The (virtual) heads dealing with a kids in care crisis

The role of virtual heads is “vital now more than ever” in a post-pandemic world where vulnerable pupils have...

Jessica Hill
Jessica Hill

Virtual schools: beware ‘mission creep’

Guidance for virtual school heads was updated recently to expand their statutory duties to include previously looked-after children. Sally...

Expert Contributor
Expert Contributor

Teachers for pupils in care must have ‘trauma’ training

Schools must appoint and train a member of staff to spot the mental health needs of pupils who have...

Jess Staufenberg
Jess Staufenberg

How schools can do more to support looked after children

Everyone needs a pushy parent, so why should looked-after children (LAC) be any different? That was the question Matthew...

Nicky Phillips
Nicky Phillips

Care leavers: The Achievement gap isn’t closing, it’s widening

In a five-part series, Schools Week is exploring the way vulnerable groups of learners have been treated under the...

Billy Camden
Billy Camden