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The key to SEND success is to integrate students

I am passionate about the provision for SEND students, and the opportunity to share my enthusiasm at SSAT National...

Nicky Phillips
Nicky Phillips

How I had a fight in the name of social justice

Forget your pedagogical differences: teachers need to speak up about how a reduction of services to alleviate poverty is the real...

Kiran Gill
Kiran Gill

‘I worry’ – Why one teacher fears for Muslim pupils after the Paris attacks (& all other pupils too)

Helping pupils make sense of the Paris attacks is crucial, explains Amjad Ali, who worries about the messages they’ll...

Nick Linford
Nick Linford

Mary Bousted: ‘Don’t tell me I have low expectations’

Teachers care passionately about their pupils and strive to close the education achievement gap, but their job becomes more...

Nicky Phillips
Nicky Phillips

All talk and lots of action

Supporting all pupils to develop their speech, language and communication skills is everybody’s responsibility and can be a part...

Nicky Phillips
Nicky Phillips

While some children get Apple Watches – others go hungry

Half of my facebook timeline are excited about a £500 Apple Watch; the other half are despairing over news that teachers...

Nick Linford
Nick Linford

If you’re poor, you won’t turn up to school

School-Home Support can offer practical help to schools, families and pupils. Pupils like Dana, 7, who was missing 30...

Nicky Phillips
Nicky Phillips

Let’s give young carers the pupil premium

The UK’s 160,000 young carers do not do as well as their peers at school. Giving them the pupil...

Nicky Phillips
Nicky Phillips

How to raise confidence and aspirations in girls

Last week we reported that many fewer girls are studying vocational subjects than boys. Mentors benefit everyone, but maybe...

Nicky Phillips
Nicky Phillips