Milton Keynes College
More teachers have left state schools to work in the independent sector than vice versa in every year since...
NFER research shows marginal GCSE boost under Teach First teachers, but they are also more likely to leave the...
Record number of teachers quit, vacancies rocket and sickness soars – everything you need to know about the state...
Report calls for review of teacher hours, retention targets and sabbaticals for headteachers every five years
ASCL members in England will be asked to vote on strike action over the long-running teacher pay dispute from...
'Poor pay and conditions have resulted in an unprecedented recruitment and retention crisis, as workloads spiral'
Full STRB report should be published now following reports of proposed 6.5% rise, leaders say
Further strikes planned from later this month, and conference to vote on additional action and a re-ballot of members
Union members are now voting on the offer, which leaders have described as 'inadequate'