Boston College
Unison and GMB are urging members to reject employers' 'final' pay offer, threatening walkouts in maintained schools and academies
A crackdown begun by ex-minister Lord Agnew reveals the extent of financial mismanagement, deficits and fraud among maintained schools
Covid savings and project delays shored up reserves before the current cost-of-living squeeze
Experts say academisation is increasingly hollowing out council expertise in education
The government has quietly slashed funding for trust partnerships, unveiled only last year to revive its multi-academy trust drive
The DfE also vowed to help schools cut energy and water use, fund more finance training and improve flood...
The average academy trust saw their reserves jump 29%, boosted by unlikely Covid windfalls
Trusts should have 10+ schools, councils will run academies and good schools may exit trusts in shakeup of 'messy'...
The leeway given to Nuneaton Academy raised eyebrows, with other academies and maintained schools facing swifter intervention