Exam results

GCSE Results 2017: Maths

Here are tables of this year’s GCSE maths results for candidates of all ages in the UK compared with...

Schools Week Reporter
Schools Week Reporter
Exam results

GCSE Results 2017: English literature

Here are tables of this year’s GCSE English literature results for candidates of all ages in the UK compared...

Schools Week Reporter
Schools Week Reporter

GCSE results 2017: The 7 most interesting things we have learned

GCSE results are out and there is a lot of noise in the statistics. Wales and Northern Ireland have...

Laura McInerney
Laura McInerney
Exam results, News

GCSE results 2017: Subject tables

Please note: the GSCE results tables for 2018 will be available here from 9:30 am on Thursday, 23 August, 2018....

Schools Week Reporter
Schools Week Reporter