Dodd Partners
Gavin Williamson should follow the lead of his most senior civil servant and step down, the influential Institute for...
An exam board’s online portal that requires schools to input potentially thousands of teacher-assessed grades one-by-one is “ripe for...
A-level results day is an exciting, if stressful, time for pupils and teachers across the country. While many will...
More than 1,000 learners that failed their courses last year are now being told they’ve passed. Under the previous...
One of the first orders of business at the new Office for Students will be to investigate the sharp...
Fewer people understand how GCSEs work since the new 9 to 1 grading system came in. The exams regulator...
There are natural swings between year groups as talent and circumstance ebb and flow, suggests Loic Menzies, but under...
The former education secretary Ruth Kelly has launched a tutoring programme to improve the “terrible” exam results of pupils...
Here are tables of this year’s GCSE Spanish results in England compared with previous years. Spanish GCSE results in...