Dodd Partners
Government escalates dealing with school classroom safety to cross-government board after a rise in reported 'serious structural issues'
Ten of 11 DfE major projects are now rated 'amber', with fears over delivering them on time and on...
More than 1,100 schools applied for Boris Johnson's school rebuilding programme, but numbers are capped at 500
Wirral council faces eye-watering annual PFI bills despite Kingsway Academy lying empty since 2018
Lyde Green families were left scrambling for places, as soaring construction demand worldwide pushes up material costs and lead...
Schools must double their contributions to score top marks in CIF bids
Schools have been forced to delay building repairs by up to a year after the government awarded condition improvement...
Only two of the Department for Education’s 11 major projects are considered “likely” to achieve their aims and come...