
Law change eases way for church schools to academise

The government has revived a law change from its scrapped schools bill, removing a 'significant barrier' to the academisation...

Freddie Whittaker
Freddie Whittaker
small schools

How the MAT era is squeezing out small schools

Small schools are the ‘beating heart’ of their community, but their numbers have been falling. Jessica Hill investigates how...

Jessica Hill
Jessica Hill

Church schools hit by related-party transaction rules

Trusts with church schools face having to disclose minor transactions such as lending minibuses to each other under new...

Jess Staufenberg
Jess Staufenberg

Diocese blocks secular trust takeover bid

A secular multi-academy trust has been blocked by a local diocese from taking over two Church of England primary...

Alix Robertson
Alix Robertson

Church of England prepares for closure of village schools

The Church of England may have to close some of its small rural schools as problems with funding, teacher...

Pippa Allen-Kinross
Pippa Allen-Kinross

Stop bashing Catholic schools and let us educate children

As secular campaigners intensify their vocal opposition to faith schools, Andrew Cole charts the battle his Catholic voluntary aided...

Expert Contributor
Expert Contributor

Removing faith selection cap will increase segregation, say humanists

Allowing faith schools to select their entire intake will lead to increased segregation, the British Humanist Association has claimed....

Freddie Whittaker
Freddie Whittaker