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The following 49 results have been found to match your search query:
Keegan is right to back AI to reduce teacher workload
Opinion, Artificial Intelligence
Government must do more to regulate AI in education
Opinion, ChatGPT
Think tank proposes plan to cut AI chatbot cheating
Ex-DfE adviser recommends changes to broaden post-16 curriculum while guarding against AI risks
News, Exams
The Conversation – with Penny Rabiger
Reviews, The Conversation
Children misusing ChatGPT? It’s the adults you need to watch
Opinion, ChatGPT
ChatGPT: Consider reviewing homework polices, DfE tells schools
The government has set out its stance on the use of generative AI in education
News, Schools
Keegan: Teachers’ work could be ‘transformed’ by AI
Education secretary believes artificial intelligence will ‘reduce drain of tasks on teachers’ time’
News, Schools