Computer whizzes from a school in Milton Keynes shared their skills last week when a local over-60s group attended a technology drop-in session.

Working in small groups, the guests received a masterclass on how to use and get the most out of their laptops, tablets and smartphones from year 9 computing and business students at Denbigh school.

Dave Hall, the over-60s club organiser, says: “The group all said they had learned from the experience and not only about IT. It was great to turn things on their head and have the youngsters teaching the ‘oldies’.”

Simon Goodall, Denbigh’s assistant headteacher, says: “The drop-in proved to be a great success, not only with members of the over-60s group, who will now be able to make better use of their devices, but with our talented students who have a great deal of technical knowhow and skills to offer the local community.”

Pic: Denbigh pupils share their computer knowledge with a member of a local over-60s group

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