Ofqual wants teachers’ feedback on this summer’s reformed GCSEs, AS and A-level qualifications.
The exams regulator is inviting teachers to attend workshops to share what went well – and not so well.
The workshops, planned for November at the University of Warwick in Coventry, will be the first opportunity for the exam regulator to gather first-hand, qualitative evidence about the reforms. The feedback will then be used to shape the programme’s future.
Eight workshops will be held, from November 7 to December 1, with teachers able to pick the most convenient date and event.
Travel expenses will be reimbursed and lunch provided.
Ofqual says applicants should have taught the qualification both before and after the reforms to give accurate feedback.
You will know by the end of September if you have been selected. Find out how to register here.
The design technology specification is very muddled and does not provide opportunities for students to develop strong skills in their area.
It is particularly damaging to textiles and students wishing to work in any aspect of this industry – marketing, promotion, buying, design, theatre
It does not link to the A’level in fashion and textiles.
I can’t believe we are wrecking the opportunities of our future designers in this way.
This has seen the reduction in DT staff in the school with men teaching resistant materials taking the product design and the classes being filled with boys only. Textiles has been removed from the options and only being taught in year 7 . Maybe this is what was intended? This is despite textiles year on year being the best performing DT subject. Seems a backwards move to me.