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School governance review 2018: Hooray for the heroes!

It’s been a busy year for the unsung heroes of the education system, says Naureen Khalid Accountability and transparency...

Naureen Khalid

School governance: 12 things you should know about 2017

There has been plenty to consider for school governors in 2017. Naureen Khalid walks us through the year’s highlights...

Naureen Khalid
Naureen Khalid

Governor’s review 2016: Where does power really lie in multi-academy trusts?

This year has brought some much-needed clarity to the issue of multi-academy trust governance, says Naureen Khalid, as well...

Naureen Khalid
Naureen Khalid

Year in review: a governor’s perspective on 2015

Governors have been in the headlines this year. Compulsory training, paid chairs and vice-chairs, and no more stakeholders have all been...

Naureen Khalid
Naureen Khalid

Improving School Governance: How better governors make better schools

Schools are complex places, as is the process of governing them. Potential recruits to governance often find the workload...

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