Recruitment and retention

EEF projects to probe whether flexible working boosts retention

Research projects will also investigate the impact of flexible schemes on pupils

Lucas Cumiskey
Lucas Cumiskey

Trusts target sixth formers in recruitment drive

Schools turn to homegrown talent in the face of severe teacher shortages and difficulties spending apprenticeship levy funding

Lucas Cumiskey
Lucas Cumiskey

Ofsted report cards: What we know so far…

New Ofsted reports from next September will focus on schools’ context, their inclusivity and on pupil happiness and wellbeing

Lucas Cumiskey
Lucas Cumiskey

Ofsted’s Big Listen: The 12 policies schools need to know

Monday Ofsted calls, reformed framework and new safeguarding letters announced

Lucas Cumiskey
Lucas Cumiskey
Management information systems

Competition watchdog closes probe into SIMS without taking action

The CMA said continuing to investigate the firm would be 'unlikely to have further positive impact on the sector'

Lucas Cumiskey
Lucas Cumiskey

Council ‘malaise’ threatens Birmingham SEND improvements

But improvement at authority is 'evidently progressing', says government-imposed commissioner

Lucas Cumiskey
Lucas Cumiskey
Artificial Intelligence

£3m government AI ‘content store’ to help teachers plan lessons

But scheme will not see schools receive direct funding to help them adopt new technology

Lucas Cumiskey
Lucas Cumiskey
A-levels 2024

History teachers claim A-level coursework grades ‘annihilated’ by moderators

Exam boards defend moderation processes despite teachers claiming harsh downgrading not witnessed before

Lucas Cumiskey
Lucas Cumiskey

Heads slam ‘unacceptable’ above-inflation 2025 exam fee rises

Leaders say increases are unaffordable for schools and 'hard to stomach'

Lucas Cumiskey
Lucas Cumiskey