Dudley College of Technology
Dylan Wiliam, UCL Institute of Education
There has never been a more pressing need for alternative, cost- effective ways of training and recruiting new teachers....
More than one in five physics classes this year were taught by a teacher without a relevant degree
And proportion of postgraduates gaining qualified teacher status hits a five-year low
Two-thirds of schools hike meal prices, while three in 10 say energy support scheme made no difference
History's position in schools is 'more secure', but 'significant' work needed to develop ambitious curriculums
Maths education 'broadly' more positive than 2012, but recruitment is impacting provision, watchdog research says
The NCETM met just 57 per cent of its target to train non-specialist maths teachers across two years, FOI...
Outsourcing firm has run the pension scheme for 27 years, but also recently pulled out of teacher training contract