Capital City College Group
But a planned overall attainment measure has been delayed
Exam regulator's interim boss outlines reasons behind slow take up and 'worryingly' high drop out rate
Ministers announce measures to extend hybrid working and 'cut red tape' for employers and schools
DfE to conclude review of defunding reforms by December, but Labour accused of ‘betrayal’ amid lack of long-term pause
90% of T-level drop-outs who switched to other technical courses went on to qualifications due to be defunded
Government said both the ‘breadth of content’ and ‘burden of assessment’ could be changed
Leaders' union warns of 'considerable disruption' as plans ditched after years of development
The majority of government departments have not offered a single placement since the launch
Proposals for the 'MBacc', which will steer pupils towards technical training in Greater Manchester, have put the mayor on...