
Is Prevent turning teachers into spies?

A government programme aimed at stopping youngsters being drawn into terrorism is creating a climate of “suspicion and mistrust”, claimed headteacher...

John Dickens
John Dickens

‘Can I fail Ofsted if a child I teach goes to fight in Syria?’

Despite Ofsted’s changes to the framework, we are already doing what we can – and how is this new...

Nicky Phillips
Nicky Phillips

How to start addressing extremism in the classroom

Discussing extremism requires knowledge of a wide range of issues unconnected to the mainstream curriculum, as well as clarity,...

Nicky Phillips
Nicky Phillips

Reporting on students’ religious views will squash classroom debate

The new powers of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act asks teachers to report on their students’ religious views as...

Billy Camden
Billy Camden

Our specialist approach to alerting our pupils to extremism

The emergence of extremist ideologies should be taught within academic disciplines such as history. Only then will pupils understand...

Nicky Phillips
Nicky Phillips

Should Ofsted police extremism?

Ofsted should be clear what constitutes extremism and how “British values” can be measured before inspectors start making judgments...

Nicky Phillips
Nicky Phillips