Dodd Partners
Union boss calls for 'renewed focus on low-attainment and disadvantage gap', after release of NFER report
Ministers waive part of permitted fee for outsourcing giant to 'de-risk delivery for future test cycles'
Updated guidelines suggest in-class 'influencers' could get more children reading
The Standards and Testing Agency said key stage 2 test dates will be moved to accommodate the extra May...
Government data shows attainment fell further for poorer pupils this year, widening the attainment gap
But a 'full programme' of tests will go ahead next academic year because new year 2s did not sit...
Special consideration will not apply when a key stage 2 pupil 'has been affected by illness or other issues...
The Department for Education has published an 11,590-word “outcome delivery plan,” detailing the wide-ranging goals and performance metrics it...
Secondary school league tables will be brought back next academic year after being suspended for two years because of...